jestem ekspertem parkingowym
budzę się wcześnie z humorem dobrym
ludzie starają się znaleść miejsce
wiem gdzie na ulicy
mam garnitur, stare buty
pracuję cały zimny luty
daję znaki ręką najwidoczniej
mam dość teraz piwo gdzie?
This is my first attempt at writing any kind of poetry in a foreign language. It's difficult! Trying to find simple rhymes in another language really demonstrates my paltry vocabulary. If I sit in silence and try to think of rhymes in English, they fade in and out of my mind automatically. This morning when I tried to think of Polish rhymes I sat looking at the table with an empty head!
Bloggers guilt is a real thing, you might think that I have given up on my Polish but you would be wrong. I'm not in a formal class these days but I continue to work away at improving my Polish in fits and starts. Don't give up on Borsuk na Pradze!
Any suggestions for the topic for my next poem? Let me know what you think in the comments below, and come back soon for an update on my pomidory!