25 kwietnia 2011

Dopełniacz: 1, Kolin: 0

I've been getting a lot of Polish homework done today. Exercises on cases mostly, including genetive / dopełniacz singular and accusative / biernik singular. I was motivated to finally write a grammar entry summarising a few suffix rules for a case or two. My pride swelled and I attempted my homework exercises on dopełniacz plural. Argh. I thought dopełniacz was going to be one of the easy ones. As it turns out I have learned the easy ones already. I will attack dopełniacz again once my frustration level dips to a more tolerable level.

I am lacking somewhat on my understanding of what constitutes a hard or soft stem sound in Polish. I understand the concept but once I try to apply the 'rules' I get confused about the results! My wife can check my homework to see what is correct and give me the correct answers, but you really need someone with training to explain 'WHY.' So when I'm not in Polish class, I have a few good books!

Thus, this evening those of you waiting for grammar summaries (yes, I can hear the crowd clammering for grammar summaries) will have to be placated by tonight's vocabulary. Really, vocabulary needs to be my major aim these days, since I seem to need to look up a word from almost every sentence in my homework.


Remember that czasowniki are listed in two forms: niedokonany | dokonany
  • ziemia / earth, soil (rzecz)
  • doniczka / flowerpot (rzecz)
  • skrzynka / window box (rzecz)
  • drabinka / small ladder or trellis (rzecz)
  • nawóz / fertiliser (rzecz)
  • uczciwy / honest (przy)
  • odwiedzać | odwiedzić / to visit
  • łamać | złamać / to break
  • chwalić | pochwalić / to praise, to glorify
  • odkrywać | odkryć / to uncover
  • rozwiązywać | rozwiązać / to solve
  • próbować | spróbować / to test, to try
  • marzyć / to dream
  • mijać | minąć / to pass, to go past
  • cierpieć / to suffer
  • odmawiać | odmówić / to refuse, to decline
  • komponować | skomponować / to compose
  • drapać | podrapać / to scratch
  • piec | upiec / to bake, to roast
  • deptać | podeptać / to tread, to trample
  • dostosowywać | dostosować / to adjust or adapt to
  • maszerować | pomaszerować / to march
  • przekonywać | przekonać / to convince
  • święcić | święć / to bless
  • świętować | poświętować / to celebrate
  • poświęcać | poświęcić / to sacrifice, to expend
  • dziwić się | zdziwić się / to surprise
  • cieszyć się | ucieszyć się / to delight, to gladden
  • płaszcz / overcoat (rzecz)
  • teczka / briefcase, folder (rzecz)
  • pozostały / remaining (przy)
  • zajęcia / classes (rzeczownik, liczba mnoga)
  • żołnierz / soldier (rzecz)
  • wielu / much, a lot (zaimek)
  • niewiele / not much, not many (zaimek)
  • pismo / writing, alphabet (rzecz)
  • wyraz / word (rzecz)

20 kwietnia 2011


I know lately this blog has been more vocabulary lists than anything else . . . I'm working on getting some grammar notes on here but right now I'm up to my eyeballs in new words. I'm swimming in them. It's hard to get the grammar when you have to look up every second word!

From this point forward, all verbs (where applicable) will be listed in both their perfective and imperfective forms. I'm terribly slow at the mental processing required to differentiate, translate, and label verbs into these categories. Some books use the perfective/imperfective distinction, and I get confused when I see the Polish books using 'dokonany' and 'niedokonany.' Which is which? I know the answer but it always takes me a while to get there.

THEREFORE, I will not be using the perfective/imperfective labels. Verbs will also now be listed in both niedokonany and dokonany forms. For that matter, verbs are no longer verbs. They are czasowniki. The vocabulary lists will use the Polish terms for the various parts of speech. So continues the slow transformation of this blog from an English one to a Polish one. I hope to one day be ostracized by Warsaw's English language blogging community.

Here it is one last time:

niedokonany = imperfective.

dokonany = perfective.

Verbs will be listed in the following fashion: 

niedokonany | dokonany

na przykład / for example:

kupować | kupić / to buy

  • rzeczownik / noun
  • czasownik / verb
  • przymiotnik / adjective
  • przysłówek / adverb
  • liczba pojedyncza / singular
  • liczba mnoga / plural
  • rodzaj męski / masculine
  • rodzaj żeński / feminine
  • rodzaj nijaki / neuter
  • bezokolicznik / infinitive
  • zaimek / pronoun
  • przyimek / preposition
  • czas przeszły / past tense
  • czas teraźniejszy / present tense
  • czas przyszły / future tense
 Słownictwo: (you'll figure out the abbreviations)
  • atut / trump (rzecz)
  • zaleta / virtue, advantage (rzecz)
  • plus / plus, advantage (rzecz)
  • obiecywać | obiecać / to promise (czas)
  • zarośnięty / unshaven, shaggy, overgrown (przy)
  • nieogolony / unshaven (przy)
  • ogolony / shaved, shaven (przy)
  • rozczochrany / unkempt, tousled (przy)
  • żółw / tortoise, turtle (rzecz)
  • nagle / suddenly (przysł)
  • pukanie / knock (rzecz)
  • niemowlę / baby (rzecz)
  • kac / hangover (rzecz)
  • zmywarka / dishwasher (rzecz)
  • plecak / backpack (rzecz)
  • pidżama / pyjamas (rzecz, lm)
  • odwiedzać | odwiedzić / to visit (czas)
  • na łonie natury / in the open
  • dawno temu / long ago
  • jaka jest różnica między A a B? / what is the difference between A and B?

17 kwietnia 2011

M jak Milość

In keeping with my mission of Polish immersion, I'm planning to start watching more Polish TV. We got a TV just after Christmas, but sadly I'm watching the English channels more than the Polish ones. 'Talking heads' news programs are terribly boring and unproductive when it comes to learning language. The sillier the show the better. Juvenile talk/activity shows such as those on VIVA Polska and other such networks are more entertaining and provide more . . . context for language learning. Cooking shows would be good. I need to find some.

'M jak Milość' is a Polish classic. It's a weekly soap opera and has been on the air for over a decade. You can watch it on TVP (14 episodes behind) with English subtitles, but it takes away all the fun. The original broadcasts are on TVP2 at 2045 on Monday and Tuesdays. I'm going to start watching. Yes, I know it's a ridiculously silly soap opera. I hope to get hooked and eventually start sending angry letters to the producers (in perfect Polish of course) if they kill the wrong character or end the wrong relationships. Are you a fan already? Who'll watch with me?  We can do Tuesday evening 'M jak Milość' discussion nights. More information on TVP2's 'M jak Milość' page.

Grammar notes still to come this weekend. Here's today's vocab. Sink or swim! I'll refine my method for vocab. listing soon to clarify the differences between imperfective and perfective verb forms. Vocabulary entries to be highlighted with yellow, and grammar with green.

  • dokąd / where to? (pron)
  • coraz / increasingly (adv)
    • coraz lepiej / better and better
  • cierpliwość / patience (n)
  • latarka / flashlight (n)
  • włożyć / to insert, to put in (v perf)
  • członek / member of a club (n)
  • komitet rodzicielski / parent-teacher association (n)
  • początek / start (n)
  • pech / bad luck (n)
  • udawac się / to have success (v)
  • udać się / to have success (v, perf)
  • wynajmować / to rent (v)
  • wynająć / to rent (v, perf)
  • zwiedzać / to visit (v)
  • zwiedzić / to visit (v, perf)
  • zaczynać / to begin, to start (v)
  • zacząć / to begin, to start (v, perf)
  • głośno / loudly (adv)
  • cicho / quietly (adv)
  • potrzebny / necessary, needed (adj)
  • okropnie / terribly, awfully (adv)
  • wdzięczny / thankful (adj)
  • ocieplić się / to warm up the weather (v, perf)
  • piosenka / song (n)
  • szeptać / to whisper (v)
  • opowiadać / to tell (v)
  • opowiedzieć / to tell (v, perf)
  • wierny / faithful (adj)
  • wrażenie / sensation, impression (n)
  • plotka / rumour (n)
  • poza tym . . . / besides . . .
  • w drodze / on the way
    • w drodze powrotnej / on the way back

16 kwietnia 2011

Saturday Evening Vocabulary

More vocab from Friday's class, including some notes on the dative case (Celownik) coming tomorrow or Monday.

  • zakłopotany / embarrassed (adj)
  • olśnienie / flash of insight (n)
  • luka / gap, loophole (n)
  • brakować / to lack (v)
  • zabraknąc / to lack (v, perf)
  • narzekać na / to complain about (v)
  • kłocić się / to quarrel, to argue (v)
  • korzystać z (czegoś) / to use (something) (v)
  • oszczędności / savings (n)
  • świnka skarbonka / piggy bank (n)
  • przybywać / to arrive (v)
  • przybyć / to arrive (v, perf)
  • ubywać / to go away, to disappear (v)
  • ubyć / to go away, to disappear (v, perf)
  • zbyt / too (adv)
    • zbyt szybki / too quick
  • zmarszczka / wrinkle (n)
  • siwy / grey (adj)
  • zwariowany / mad, crazy (adj, informal)
  • szalony / mad, insane (adj)
  • starczać / to be enough (v)
    • starczy! / that's enough!
  • starczyć / to be enough (v, perf)
    • zamiast / instead of (prep)
    • właściciel / owner (n)
    • mandat / ticket (n) from the police
    • Chyba żartujesz? / Are you kidding me?

    13 kwietnia 2011

    Powinien . . .

    A note to anyone reading this blog for the first time: I don't purport to be an authority on the Polish language. I'm just recording my notes and experiments - some are bound to fail. Follow my advice at your own risk!

    One new topic from our last class was 'powinien.' It is a bit of a strange one. I guess it translates pretty directly as 'should,' but there are different forms for each pronoun. There's also no infinitive or 'bezokolicznik' form. Here's how it looks:
    • (ja) powinienem . . . (masc)
    • (ja) powinnam . . . (fem)
    • (ty) powinieneś . . . (masc)
    • (ty) powinnaś . . . (fem)
    • (on) powinien . . .
    • (ona) powinna . . .
    • (ono) powinno . . . (neut)
    • (my) powinniśmy . . . (masc)
    • (my) powinnyśmy . . . (fem)
    • (wy) powinniście . . .
    Pretty straightforward. So now I should go out and give lots of advice. As usual one should examine oneself before casting the first stone.
    • Powinienem jeść więcej lody. / I should eat more ice cream.
    • Powinieneś zgolić te śmieszne wąsy. / You should shave that ridiculous moustache.
    • Powinnaś zrobić sobie przerwę. / You (fem) should take a break.
    • Powinniśmy pomóc Henrikowi doiść do domu. / We should help Henrik walk home.
    Do you have any advice for me? What should I do?

    Słownictwo na dziś: (I'll certainly add to this after today's class!)
    • dodatkowy / additional (adj)
    • pole / field (n)
    • pole naftowe / oilfield (n)
    • środek pobudzający / stimulant (n)
    • żaglowiec / sailing ship (n)
    • bosman / bosun a job on a sailing ship (n)
    • wychować się / to grow up
    • dbać o . . . / to care for (v)
    I'll try to separate pure vocabulary from phrases from now on, as well as include appropriate prepositions that co-locate with verbs. No sense learning everything twice. The same goes for you folks learning English vocabulary. I strongly recommend you include some kind of determiner before each item in your vocabulary lists. Any determiner will do. This helps train your brain to include determiners in your writing and speech. for example:
    • THE tree
    • MY book
    • A house
    • AN hourglass
    • HIS shoes
    Back to Polish.

    Zwroty / phrases:
    • daj (mi) spokój! / give me a break!
    • przypuszczam, że... / I suppose, that . . .
    • w porównaniu z . . . / compared with . . . 
      • W porównaniu ze swoją siostrą jest bardzo rozsądna. / Compared with her sister, she's very sensible.

    12 kwietnia 2011

    Masz Wyrostek?

    I'm struggling to keep up with the volume of vocabulary I need to learn to stay afloat in my class. While the class proceeds, I'm simultaneously trying to catch up with the grammar and vocabulary in Hurrah Po Polsku 1 at home. It's a challenge.

    Thanks to those adding to my vocabulary lists. It makes it more fun having you involved.

    Dzisiejsze słownictwo: (you know what this means by now)
    • wnuczka / granddaughter (n)
    • uczennica / schoolgirl (n)
    • śpiewać / to sing (v)
    • czasopismo / periodical or magazine (n)
    • uczeń / schoolboy (n)
    • płuco / lung (n)
    • wyrostek / appendix (n)
    • żołądek / stomach (n)
    I've also been testing myself with a set of flash cards on the tram . . . I'll post this vocab bit by bit as I master it! I've gone flash card crazy. I'm going to buy some card stock to make cards of my own for recent vocabulary. It's a lot and I need to work on it more. My tram rides seem to go by so quickly now that I am studying vocabulary instead of playing with my phone or looking out the window. I almost feel like riding an extra stop or two to master those cards that are pestering me.

    As soon as I perfect making simple tables in blogger, I'll start posting summaries of personal pronouns (zaimek osobowy) and noun endings for biernik and narzędnik.

    11 kwietnia 2011

    Wątroba? Nerka?

     Dzisiejsze słownictwo / today's vocabulary:
    • dzisiejsza gazeta / today's paper
    • rodzić się / to be born (v)
    • przez 10 lat . . . / for 10 years . . . 
    • ciężarówka / truck (n)
    • podróżowałem dookóła swiata / I travelled around the world.
    • żaglowiec / sailing ship (n)
    • wychować się / to grow up (v perf)
    • lekkomyślny / light-minded (adj)
    • sprzątnij po sobie świnio! / clean up after yourself, pig!
    • przycisk / button (n)
    • mogłaby pani powiedzieć 'przepraszam' / you could say 'excuse me'
    • wyspać się / to get enough sleep (v perf)
    • wreszcie / at last (adv)
    • ciągle / still, continuously
      • on ciągle jeszcze jest bez pracy / he is still jobless
    • pasować / to fit, to suit (v)
    • on powinien . . . / he should . . .
    • ona powinna . . . / she should . . .
    • ukryć / to hide (v perf)
    • wątroba / liver (n)
    • nerka / kidney (n)
    • zostać / to become (v)
    • wziąć / to take (v perf)

    09 kwietnia 2011

    Time to Catch Up

    My first two Polish classes have been great. I've found a course at The Centre for Polish Studies on Swiętokrzyska. I received a recommendation for the school from a friend and so far I'm really very glad I took his advice. We will learn grammar, hence the title of this blog post.

    I bought myself a copy of "Hurrah! Po Polsku" last year, and have been making half hearted attempts at working through it on my own and with my wife's help. So far I'm not past chapter five of twenty. What that means is that although I'm speaking a lot more than I was a few months ago, my knowledge of grammar is pitiful. In my new class, we have been doing exercises from well into the second book in the "Hurrah" series, and I'm already way behind! This weekend I am spending some time working through my book and trying to teach myself some of the basic grammar. I need to catch up fast.

    I'm no language genius. This stuff is difficult for me to understand, and studying Polish at home reminds me of that frustrated feeling I had while studying for mandatory French classes in school. Grammatical rules confused and irritated me. Polish possessive pronouns in the dative / celownik did so today. I tend to get a little overwhelmed by how much there is to learn so I know I need to break things into pieces. My goals this weekend include:
    1. continue studying and recording new vocabulary
    2. reviewing and practicing endings for instrumental / narzędnik with adjectives and nouns.
    3. reviewing nominative possessive pronouns
    4. reviewing and practicing endings for accusative / biernik
    I've decided to forgo maintaining one separate, mammoth vocabulary document, and instead post the new vocabulary each day as part of a blog post. Vocabulary preceding today remains on a separate page.

    Today's vocabulary so far:
    • podniecać / to excite, to thrill esp. sexually (v)
    • doczekać / to wait until (v)
      • "Nie mogę się ciebie doczekać."
    • strzał w dziesiątkę / bull's eye, right on the money
    • chyba / probably
    • szkoda, że . . .  / It's a pity that . . . 
    • o co ci chodzi? / what do you mean?
    • nie szkoda ci czasu? / Aren't you wasting your time?
    • reżyser / director film (n)
    • urzędnik / clerk, office worker (n)

    06 kwietnia 2011

    A Student Once Again

    I ventured out today for my first Polish course since last summer. I've got a course now, 90 minutes three times a week. There's just three of us plus our teacher so it's great so far! After just one class it's hard to say how hard it will be but we all enjoyed the class and I think my classmates are around the same level as me. I was a little anxious this morning because I hadn't been on the receiving end of a teacher's questions for so long. Honestly, I was so excited for my course to start that I had trouble sleeping last night. I wasn't exactly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (try explaining that one to your English students) this afternoon but I had fun.

    After a long day I'm far from having enough energy to blog in Polish but I will partially update the słownictwo tonight with some of the new words we used today in class. Today you only get the Polish half. When I get a minute I'll add the English translations. One thing is for certain - my vocabulary really needs a lot of work. My słownictwo from today's class alone has 39 new words on it. I also already have homework!

    It's fun to be making faster progress in Polish again and blogging more. Thanks to my new and old readers. As always, your comments are welcome! I'm especially grateful to you patient souls who provide a correction from time to time. Thanks for participating and I hope someone out there is learning as much as I am.

    While you're here, click the Facebook 'like' icon to the right so you can be informed via Facebook of updates and other Borsuk na Pradze news, contests, and explorations of Polish and Warsaw. Leave your comments and suggestions in the language of your choice.

    05 kwietnia 2011

    Kurs Polskiego - jutro!

    Dobry Wieczór!

    Dziś wieczorem mam dobrą wiadomość. Jutro popołudniu zaczynam nowy kurs polskiego. Nie miałem lekcje polskiego w szkole od czerwiec rok temu. Wiem, wiem, robię duży błędy z przypadki. Jest trudny język! Mam nadzieje, że moja nauczycielka jest miła. Już znam jej imię: Kasia! Nie jestem zaskoczony!

    Podniecać się nowym kursem.

    Też, uaktualniłem Słownictwo / Vocabulary dziś wieczorem.

    04 kwietnia 2011

    Vocabulary / Słownictwo

    Building vocabulary is hard work. Through the course of the day I refer to the dictionary in my phone a handful of times. Just as often, I ask my wife what something means. How much of this do I remember? Very little.

    I'm starting to keep a daily log of the words I needed in a day. I haven't yet found a consistent way of keeping track of new words while I'm moving through the city but I suspect that good old pen and paper will prove the best solution.

    I will post my daily lists here. For those of you reading this blog for amusement, you won't be bothered by the daily (weekly?) lists, because I will add them to the vocabulary page here: Słownictwo / Vocabulary. Later, you can find this page in the column to the right under "Reference."

    For those of you using this page to help you learn Polish, (anyone?) you can refer to the vocabulary page periodically to see what has been added. I'll try to mention in my regular blog posts when the vocab page has been updated. Go check the first list now and tell me what you think. Is this a good way to organise vocabulary?

    03 kwietnia 2011


    W Niedziela, byliśmy na spacer w Park Skaryszewski. Skaryszewski jest dobry park bo zawsze są dużo psy. Bardzo lubimy psy, ale nie mamy bo tylko mamy mała mieszkania. Chcemy beagle. . .

    Dwa tygodniu temu, zrobiłyśmy zdjęcie ale nie napisałem na blogu. Dziś, pogoda był ciepła i słoneczna. Moja zona i ja usiedliśmy na ławce. Weronika czytała książka i uczyłem się polskiego. Mam "Polish in 4 Weeks," która jest bardzo nierealistyczny pomysł. Jednak, to dobry przewodnik gramatyka.

    Kiedy idziemy do parku, zwykle nosimy aparat, bo są zabawny i ladny psy. Chcę wam pokazać kilku zdjęcie.

    "Jest dobry dzień na spacer. A potem . . . piwo."
    "It's a good day for a walk. Afterwards . . . beer."

    "Czasami myślę, że jesteście za wolny i za nudny. Chcę biegać!"
     "Sometimes, I think that you guys are too slow and boring. I want to run!"

    "Nie pamiętam, jest piłka twoja czy moja?"
    "I don't remember, is the ball yours or mine?"

    "Nie zjadłem śniadania dziś. Ale widzę mała corgi. . . "
    "I didn't eat breakfast today. But I see a little corgi . . . "

    "Hej! Dziecko! Budź i baw się ze mną!"
    "Hey! Kid! Wake up and have fun with me!"

    "Nie ma problemu, ja wszystko łapie!"
    "No problem, I catch everything!"

    "Tak, jestem mały ale jestem najszybciej w parku!"
    "Yes, I'm small but I'm the fastest in the park!"

    "Proszę pedałować! Nie mogę ciągnąć więcej."
    "Please pedal! I can't pull any more."

    "Czy masz prawidłowe f zatrzymać?"
    "Do you have the right f-stop?"
    Caption by DiverDoc.

    "mam sziwa wasa dlatego musie brac lasca."
    "I have a grey moustache because I have to bring wood."
    Caption by Paddy, of PzU.
    You'll notice the last two photos don't have captions. That's because I need your help! Please help me chose an appropriate caption for the last two dogs. Post your ideas in the comments below!

    Also, if you don't understand my caption or see a glaring error in my Polish, feel free to point me in the right direction.