- dzisiejsza gazeta / today's paper
- rodzić się / to be born (v)
- przez 10 lat . . . / for 10 years . . .
- ciężarówka / truck (n)
- podróżowałem dookóła swiata / I travelled around the world.
- żaglowiec / sailing ship (n)
- wychować się / to grow up (v perf)
- lekkomyślny / light-minded (adj)
- sprzątnij po sobie świnio! / clean up after yourself, pig!
- przycisk / button (n)
- mogłaby pani powiedzieć 'przepraszam' / you could say 'excuse me'
- wyspać się / to get enough sleep (v perf)
- wreszcie / at last (adv)
- ciągle / still, continuously
- on ciągle jeszcze jest bez pracy / he is still jobless
- pasować / to fit, to suit (v)
- on powinien . . . / he should . . .
- ona powinna . . . / she should . . .
- ukryć / to hide (v perf)
- wątroba / liver (n)
- nerka / kidney (n)
- zostać / to become (v)
- wziąć / to take (v perf)
This is very useful (for me!) Kolin, keep it up!
OdpowiedzUsuń"podróżowałem wokół swiata / I travelled around the world."
OdpowiedzUsuńShould be "dookoła świata", don't panic, it's a matter of first language, "wokół świata" means exactly the same, but "dookoła" is used in everyday and formal Polish since, huh, forever, probably some historical background. Can't say exactly what, when and why at the moment, but I'll try to find out, maybe one of my master-in-polish-philology-studies friends would have an idea.
"sprzątnij po sobie świnia! / clean up after yourselves, pigs!"
sprzątnij po sobie, [świnio! <- singular, Vocative] - clean up after yourself, pig!
sprzątnijcie po sobie, [świnie! <- plural, Vocative] - clean up after yourselves, pigs!
And to continue "Wątroba? Nerka?" theme, since it's my field of work (no, I'm not a butcher!), some words to the dictionary:
płuco -> lung (n)
wyrostek -> appendix (n), just in case, could be useful provided that you still have one
żołądek (hard one, huh?) -> stomach (n)
PS. I meant that "dookoła" is strictly connected with "świata" when saying "I travelled around the world", in other cases such as "Chodzę wokół/dookoła budynku" -> "I am walking around the building" and so on, it doesn't matter which one you use. It's-obvious approach has worked, probably you have the same thing from time to time while teaching English :)
OdpowiedzUsuńCorrections noted. Thanks again!