From this point forward, all verbs (where applicable) will be listed in both their perfective and imperfective forms. I'm terribly slow at the mental processing required to differentiate, translate, and label verbs into these categories. Some books use the perfective/imperfective distinction, and I get confused when I see the Polish books using 'dokonany' and 'niedokonany.' Which is which? I know the answer but it always takes me a while to get there.
THEREFORE, I will not be using the perfective/imperfective labels. Verbs will also now be listed in both niedokonany and dokonany forms. For that matter, verbs are no longer verbs. They are czasowniki. The vocabulary lists will use the Polish terms for the various parts of speech. So continues the slow transformation of this blog from an English one to a Polish one. I hope to one day be ostracized by Warsaw's English language blogging community.
Here it is one last time:
niedokonany = imperfective.
dokonany = perfective.
Verbs will be listed in the following fashion:
niedokonany | dokonany
na przykład / for example:
kupować | kupić / to buy
- rzeczownik / noun
- czasownik / verb
- przymiotnik / adjective
- przysłówek / adverb
- liczba pojedyncza / singular
- liczba mnoga / plural
- rodzaj męski / masculine
- rodzaj żeński / feminine
- rodzaj nijaki / neuter
- bezokolicznik / infinitive
- zaimek / pronoun
- przyimek / preposition
- czas przeszły / past tense
- czas teraźniejszy / present tense
- czas przyszły / future tense
- atut / trump (rzecz)
- zaleta / virtue, advantage (rzecz)
- plus / plus, advantage (rzecz)
- obiecywać | obiecać / to promise (czas)
- zarośnięty / unshaven, shaggy, overgrown (przy)
- nieogolony / unshaven (przy)
- ogolony / shaved, shaven (przy)
- rozczochrany / unkempt, tousled (przy)
- żółw / tortoise, turtle (rzecz)
- nagle / suddenly (przysł)
- pukanie / knock (rzecz)
- niemowlę / baby (rzecz)
- kac / hangover (rzecz)
- zmywarka / dishwasher (rzecz)
- plecak / backpack (rzecz)
- pidżama / pyjamas (rzecz, lm)
- odwiedzać | odwiedzić / to visit (czas)
- na łonie natury / in the open
- dawno temu / long ago
- jaka jest różnica między A a B? / what is the difference between A and B?
Unshaven is more like nieogolony. Zarośnięty - somthing like shaggy, or overgrown (you can also use it for lawn or garden :))
OdpowiedzUsuńAnd - I had some troubles with comments lately...
OdpowiedzUsuńI deleted my post, because I figured it was unnecessary to post twice, but instead I just made it more messy... Anyway.
OdpowiedzUsuńI'm not sure if it was a just typo or not, but:
Like that of a literary work; and you probably don't need to know that just yet.
Also, I really like the idea of adjusting your grammar instinct so that it fit the Polish language. After all, that's a vital part of the immersion you often talk about. Thinking in Polish, in terms of a system, might help you a lot.
Your experiences are pretty interesting for me. Do you think that grammar rules are important at the beginning of study foreign language?
OdpowiedzUsuń@Julia, thanks for the adjustments. I'll change the vocab a bit.
OdpowiedzUsuń@Vintage Mint, no worries about the mess. More comments are better than less! Thanks for the correction - it was indeed an error, not a typo. You're right about accepting the system. I have my English students use an English/English dictionary as soon as they're ready.
@Realpolish - thanks for commenting. No, I don't really think that grammar is very important at the beginning of learning a new language. Although it might not seem like it from my posts, vocabulary, etc., I actually speak a lot of Polish. I don't speak it very well, and my vocabulary is the pits, but I can say a lot of things. Once you get past the beginner level, I think grammar becomes important very quickly. Everyone learns languages differently, but I prefer learning the structures of grammar so I can improvise my own sentences, instead of simply learning a plethora of phrases and adjusting them to my needs. Without knowledge of how the real structures work, people like me get frustrated. Grammar for me provides a sense of order to the language. All that said, when doing real day to day communicating I largely ignore grammar and just try to get the point across. One step at a time!
Kolin, thank you for your answer and good advise: one step at a time! :)
OdpowiedzUsuń@realpolish + @kolin
OdpowiedzUsuńGenerally, my grammar is terrible, I know this but I don't let it hold me back :) I can more or less communicate everything I want to which is great and bad at the same time because it provides me with little motivation to learn.
More important is definitely vocab - If you dont have the vocab expressing what you mean can become very difficult, just because you can put words in the right cases means nothing if you have no words.